Radiant: The Dolores Jean Gibbons Story

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The Dolores Jean Gibbons Story

by Milton Lee Pritchard Snyder, Ph.D.

Dolores Gibbons—the "Radiant" woman in this story is a person I know rather well, at least for the past thirty-eight years!

Dolores' educational administration career has been remarkable. This book was developed for the family historical record of today and for posterity, and to give Dolores great credit for her commendable life. It is my privilege to place this essay into print. Dolores has no biological off-spring to appreciate her personage or soul, but she is rich in generations of extended family. In the future it is important for them to know about her many accomplishments in education and her personal history.

Another reason for writing this essay pertains to the issue of women in major leadership positions in education, political, religious and military groups. Some senior males, women and others sometimes fail to conceptualize and accept a woman's leadership in today's society. Evolving civilizations understand and demand more gender equality, and that women and males can be equally competent in the world of management and leadership in the highest local, national and international positions.

This essay is about a woman leader who demanded and declared at an early age and throughout her career the belief that she could achieve anything she put her mind to. It is clear that Dolores Gibbons deserves credit for stepping up and getting things done.

Books by Milton Lee Pritchard Snyder, Ph.D.

  • In 2009 Milton's first book is a memoir and book of the Snyder family history. Click here.
  • In 2015 Milton wrote of his 1973-77 experiences as Division Superintendent of Schools in Prince William County, VA. Click here.
  • In 2016 Milton presented "Radiant: The Dolores Jean Gibbons Story." This third book is a tribute to the educational administrative talents of his wife, Dolores Jean Gibbons, ME.d. Click here.
  • In 2018, Milton brought us an updated memoir that includes his academic and military career. Click here.

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